Opening Times
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9.30am – 3.30pm
You are welcome to come anytime between the hours of 9.30am and 3.30pm. Normally we have drop off between 9.30 and 10am when we serve refreshments but if you are running late then just come when you are ready.
Pick up is anytime BEFORE 3.30pm but again you are welcome to join us for refreshments served at 3pm.
As you arrive please ring the bell on the A-board located before the side gate, so someone can meet you on entry!
Our Day Care is a not for profit organisation but we still have to pay for room hire, refreshments and care workers / cook costs so we make a charge of £45 which includes:
- morning coffee
- Light lunch
- afternoon tea
Places for day care and payment must be made in advance.
Payment can be made by cheque payable Alcester Day Care or direct to the bank
Sort Code:30-98-26
Account Number:61395758
As reference please put the name of the person attending.